How much does it cost?

Nothing. However our venue is provided to us free on the expectation that attendees purchase food and drink. Food and drinks are typical pub prices.

Who can attend?

Anyone. Although you'll probably get the most out of it if you have an interest in the subject.
Please register if you're going to come as it helps us prepare appropriately.

Where is it?

Bird in Hand pub

Is there plenty of parking?

Yes, there sure is!

What is expected of me if I attend?

Nothing. But it's generally nicer for everyone if you're willing to talk to people, ask questions, etc.
You don't have to present yourself but if you'd like to that's be great. Talk to us about what you have in mind.

I want to help. What can I do?

What would you like to do? Present? Help promote? Help organise? drop us a line.

What do I do if I want to present a topic?

Great! Please email:

How long should topics be?

Anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

What can topics be about?

Anything .NET or development related.

I would like to suggest a particular topic can someone present about it?

Of course, please email: and we will do our best to find someone knowledgable on the subject.

How many members does DevEvening have?

DevEvening has over 100 members on the mailing list. Depending on the topic, a typical event will have between 25 and 35 attendees.

Can I sponsor DevEvening?

We're interested in any potential sponsorship or prizes/swag to give away as they help encourage members to join DevEvening and help promote your products. Please contact us at:

DevEvening is independent from other organisations. Companies who provide prizes to our group will be mentioned at the next meeting and links posted on the website. We will not however push the sale of any products.